Oct 11, 2009

The achievement of desire (Ting Shu)

A good student means that you must be study very hard, you must have a glasses on you and people will see you with a book any time and anywhere. well, it had been what I though a good student needs to be before, but not anymore. Good students need to take their glasses off and partys well. Success people are not only good at knowledges, also need to be good at sociality. Study hard when you are studying then play hard when you are off of studies is what I think a good student needs to be now. If you can deal well with study time and party time, plan a right time to study then party isn't it will be good for you? Reading books help you to improve your knowledge then get successful with you high education, but not means that you have to stay in home or library doing the reading all the time. You have to have sociality with others, it could let you learn more things that you would never learned from books. For myself, if I planed to hang out with friends on the weekend I would finished my homework before I hang out then I can have more fun with friends, so I would study hard before hang out. Leave some time to hang out with friends push me and give me impetus to be study hard, and I think it is good for us both at sociality and studying.


Leslie said...

I agree with you. Planing is very important. And sociality and studying should be equal. Kai-Hsun Yu

Leslie said...

I strongly agree with your point of view. As for me, I am learning how to manage my time schedule, because when i was a student in Taiwan, I just followed the schedule which was made by teacher. However, in college, we need to take responsibility to our work. In the end, how to manage time is an important task for me to learn in college


Ting Shu said...

Thanks 派翠克 and Vicky! XD

Jianjie Zhao said...

we shouldnt say a good student means must have a glasses on we and with a book anytime and anywhere. we will say this student is bookish, hang out is very important, but how we split our time into studying and leasure properly?