Oct 11, 2009


I don't agree with this article because our lives are getting better because of education. However, maybe the author is right about schooling was changing them and separating them from the life they enjoyed before becoming a student because education’s purpose is changing people to adjust the environment. Of course, there has some lacks from our education system. We can’t get anything from schooling and we might get the information that we should get. We study very hardly to get high-level education and then we have more opportunity of success. This is how our word works. No one can judge this because if you go opposite way, you may get nothing and no one will follow you. We have been developing our education for a lot time. It might not be a perfect way that we are educated but this is the way we should follow otherwise this word would become more chaos than now. However, our society’s problem is the children learn less from parents nowadays. Everyone needs to work in order to earn money for the family even women. Parents should accompany their children. In my opinion, children get knowledge from parents is more important from schooling.

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