Oct 16, 2009

It's not your business ( Natalia Ushak)

I've read the article by Joseph Berger "Choosing clothes, not husbands" and i think it is not my business to judge afganistan people by the way they are living. Every country and culture have something different and probably if you will look at it from your side it will look uncomfortable, or just some habits look disgusting, but if those people live for so long with those habits and lifestyle, it means for them it's fine. We dont need all world to live like americans or just like russian because someone think it is the only right way of living. I think if Afganistan woman really dont like their lives they will do something about it, and whole world will know about their problems. But so far i think their are ok with what they have, and if those families in the article will live in Afganistan not in America i think for them it will whole alot easier to live with their cultural habits, because all people around live the same way. But when you are away it is natural to see that people live different and you start to think "well why i cant live like that?" So, my advice for those woman : " Do something for change or go to your country and live the same lifes as your nation" Natalia Ushak


Mengqi Zhao said...

you're right..but I dont know why women not men.....I so much hate of when my mother ask me if i have a boyfriend..I just think its my business...your opinions are always new..:)

Leslie said...

I do agree some part of your ideas that Afganistan women accept their lives what they have so we don't really need to mind it. But not every Afganistan women would satify with thier lifestlyes. In addtion, they would have no way to refuse their culture. It's just because that we have different culture so we can't really understand what they are. As what you've said that we can just let them be what they are is right but I would also recommand to those women that they better find their own lifestyles that they'd like to live.
Seong Kyung Kim

Heejin kim said...

actually, I have similar idea with you. when I read once, I thought Afghanistan women are pity and poor, but I became to realize their culture like you did. They have their own culture and whatever they do like or not, they accept their life. If they feel it is injustice, they will struggle with their tradition. (heejin kim)