Oct 4, 2009

"From Rugged Dick" (Alona Prokofjeva)

This story makes us to think about what people exactly are around us. Dick's character is very positive, hi is really good person and he is not selfish, actually, he is purposeful person.
Dick is not looking for easy ways; perhaps he thinks that the harder way is so great and easy to win. He is seeks new opportunities every day.
Dick is very reliable person and he never fails to help who really need his help. “What goes around comes around”. When you helping people and doing well to the fate of your award for this, as the example that Dick helped a stranger boy just for free, I think that, he is really lucky man and people must to learn this lesson, as a life experience for everyone.
I think he did the right thing that jumped into the water and rescued the boy, by doing this, so he risked his life for another life. This is very generous act. He is worthy of respect. This man must set an example for many people. I hope that it will be a really good example for everyone.

1 comment:

Jianjie Zhao said...

I am really like the sentance "What goes around comes around", it remind we shold be postitive about life at any time, because what goes and what comes.