Oct 18, 2009

No rights?? (Kai-Hsun Yu)

Woman have no rights?? I don't think so. Of course they have rights. They are equal to everybody. In the article it shows that woman have no rights to do every thing.....example can have any educations, can't talk to a man, can't show their face, also can't choose who they are married to. Those are very very old ideas. The world has been change, we don't think that woman can't have education, woman can't have rights like man, woman can't show their face, most important is woman can choose who their are married to nor like the old ideas. I wish all the people who have that kinds of mind can change their mind because the world has been change.

1 comment:

Terry said...

The world has been change but it really needs time to change these old traditions. Hope that day will come.