Oct 18, 2009

Leave the traditio(Jianjie.Zhao)

Joseph mentions that on one hand Ashrat and Nahccd are thoroughly modern American women, on the other hand, both of them inherit the old tradition from afghan culture: which is let their parents choose their husband. That’s afghan culture reminded me the old tradition of marriage in China, that men and women have choose husband or wife by their parents. This old customer was descended from Song dynasty, and it was abandoned until the founding of the republic of China.
My grandmother, who has followed that culture and married to her husband for sixty years,. My grandfather’s age was twice as my grandmother; my grandmother met him four times before they married. Their life was happy and peaceful after they lived together. During the Second World War, they moved from the city to the mountain, and begin their farming life. My grandmother told she was enjoying the life with her husband, and never regretted for her parents’ decision. Now, we are talking about “Free Love”, women can choose their own husband. However, majority of them still follow the role of old tradition, because they believe parents’ sights and experiences are more accurate. The people who can stay with you for a life, may not someone who you loved.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

It is true that modern love is "free love", I appreciate this form of love. In addition, you mention your grandmother's love is tradition but peaceful, it is fabulous.
Yi Feng Wang