Oct 10, 2009

"i cannot afford to admire my parents" Natalia Ushak

"He can not afford to admire his parents"- this is the words from Richard Rodrigez "The Achievement of Desire" book. He cannot afford to admire his parents because he thought he is more educated than his parents. I think it is the most stupidest thing i've ever read. How can you ever think that you are clever than anyone, especially your parents? If you think this way, you are already not smart at all. You can have hundreds degrees and tons of scholarships and be very stupid and bad and dishonest as human being at the same time. Education doesnt make you better in all the ways.
Well, my mom doesnt have a good education, sometimes she acts like a child, she doesnt know how to use computer or cell phone, it is difficult for her even send a message or mail,she is afraid of all new technology stuff and she is very shy, but she is the best mom i could have. Even as a child she asked me to do something for her, like for example go and ask the right way to the mall, because she was too shy to do it by herself, and i know she blame herself because of it whole alot, but i go and asked, and i felt very proud of myself cause i helped my mom, not like i am better than she. Another example my grandma, who lived all her life in a village, she didnt go to school, and she cant write and didnt read a book ( cause they were very expensive at that time), but she have an answer on every question i've asked her.
All parents want for their kids to achieve something that they cant get, it could be education or just simple qualities of the character which they dont have, like my mom always told me " dont be so shy like i am". If you became better in something than your parents, be proud of it, and help them, don't humiliated them becouse you can do and they can't.

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