Oct 11, 2009

Study and Practice (Xiaojie Pang)

I believe education can bring us many benefits. However, we cannot just read the textbook, take the class or the exam; we should put the study into practice. As we were growing up, most of the people who have the studying conditions need to go to the school and study the knowledge. It seems to become a necessary thing for most of us. I usually ask myself: “why we should study at the school? What can I get from the study? Is the knowledge what from the textbook is useful for my future or my dream?” Actually, we do cannot learn from the textbook a lot of useful things for our future in the society. But we can throughout the study improve our ability which is necessary for our personality. As someone said: study that let you become wise. When we enter the social, we have to use some knowledge which we get from the school to practice in our job or something else. Many examples can prove that people are hard to achieve the success that is without the knowledge. Of course if we have a great high education background; but we don’t have any experience. It is also hard to get the success. Therefore, study and practice are both important for us.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

yea~~ i believe that too!!
so we have to sudy hard !!