Oct 4, 2009

The fate changed by chances and efforts(JIANJIE.ZHAO)

When I am writing this blog, most of us may envy some who born with gold spoon. For those people who have a rich family, they may own more opportunities and properties than us. However, Life without privileges obliged us to struggle rather than to rest. In this way, we are improving ourselves after each experience. Therefore, even though we can’t choose where we born, but we can change who we are and trust what we believe.
We like to complain that the chances abandon us. In the story of Ragged Dick, the opportunity approached Dick, when the moment that he decided to save a stranger’s life. Then he alter his life from ragged to “fame and fortune.” So the chances are surrounding us every moment, but they flash their brilliant colors only when we put efforts on your own and others.
Last, don’t let your past slip away. When we get succeed, they first we might do is to enjoy our life. However, dangers hide behind peace. Just as dick did, keep his box and brush that remind him the moment: when he was ignorant boot-black. So when we catch our chances, don’t forget our past.
Therefore, every time when we complain, just remember put efforts on our life. We don’t know what will happens to next, may be a new chance?

1 comment:

MinjianRuan said...

yes, we don't know what will happens to next, may be a new chance, and may be a new trouble.
what we should do is to value today, and hold the opportunities.