Oct 4, 2009

From Ragged Dick (by Junjie Ruan)

Dick is a lucky man. He’s been a man who was worried about money every day. But once he got a chance. And he hold the chance.

One day he saw a boy dropped into water, but no one can save him. Dick knew he was good at swimming, so he jumpped into the water and tried his best to save that boy.

It never occurred to him that he saved the buy and get a new job which he was really wanted. Before he got the job, his salary was 3 dollars per week, but after that his salary was 10 dollars per week. It was amazing for him.

You never know what will be happened. If someone need help, just tried to reach out to them. Don’t demand a reasonable amount of dividends now. Your effort will pay off one day.

1 comment:

MinjianRuan said...

perhaps, you give out your effort, but your will never get paid back.
it doesn't matter, because, we help others not for interests.