Oct 18, 2009

" Choosing Clothes, but Not Husbands "

After reading this article, I didn’t been shocked because it has appeared in Chinese history.

When China was in feudal society, women almost had no right for anything. Just like Afghan women, Chinese women couldn’t meet other men before engaged. What is more preposterous is that ancient Chinese women had to wrap around their feet tight with cloth in order to suppress growing of feet. It was extremely painful for women and meaningless. However, men in ancient China thought women with small feet were more beautiful. Therefore, women had to do what they were not willing to do.

“Don’t talk with guys, don’t ruin your reputation, everyone will gossip about you,” said Ms. Khwajazadah, a high-spirited woman who came here as a two-year-old with her refugee parents. Nevertheless, she added, “I’m happy with my decision.”

Above is a paragraph in the article. I think the words are very typical. They represent the ignorance of the feudal society. Females and males are equal! Why girls can’t talk with guys? What ruined girls’ reputation? All girls should do is being themselves!

1 comment:

MinjianRuan said...

As a chinese, too. I fully realize how unequal between males and females before new China found. Nowadays, they are more and more equal. And I believe that women will be treat better.