Oct 12, 2008

Why women have no real friendships?

"when I was a kid, I believed that it was men who had real friendships and women who did not."

After I read the sentance I really cannot understand why women have no real friendships. And I don't agree with that. Even though some girls are catty and jealous, we should believe that real friendships exist in the life. Becaus it is not all the girls are catty and jealous. I think some men also are catty and jealous. We cannot judge the friendships on one sidedness. Most girls treat their firend genuinely. And in my experience my female friends all have their real good friends. That's why I don't agree with that.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Girl Friends are not as stable as men friends. (leslie)

I am reluctant to say there is no real friendship among girls. As you expect and believe, girls also make good friends, and sometimes they make friends even closer as their family members or their own sisters. However, their friendship is not as strong as men's, and just as girls are easy to be hurt, their friendship is also frugile in one way or another.

Some people say, when girls get married, they may also lose friendship, since they are so devoted to their family that they don't have any extra energy to take care of their friendship. Therefore, you see sometimes the friendship even doesn't need any jealosy or fights to hurt, less care also may make it wither.

In my opinion, women really have real friendship, but what matters more is how long it can go.

I welcome any opposing ideas.