Oct 25, 2008

what is education? - Heekyung.CHO

" Education is not an inevitable or natural step in growing up."

=Quote from The achivement of Desire.

What do you think about education. So you think education is inevitable and have to things on our life?

I think education is not an inevitable but its necceserily.

In the advanced world society people get a lot of education level in their society.
during our life, we studied a lot of things for future. that is one of or whole education system.
First reason of our education is our success life. many people think the best education can bring our success life. I also agree with that opinion.
Because, on our education times, we can get a lot of experiences about life. that can bring our wisely life methods. that is one of the education's results.
If we learned something that can be useful .
So, education is one of the great way of sucess. I think educated people can sucess more than uneducated people


1 comment:

Leslie said...

Education is inevitable, since our short lifespan doesn't allow us to experience everything by ourselves

Education teaches people knowledge accumulated by previous generations through their direct experiences.

Though it is better that we learn everything through our own experience, our lifespan doesn't give us so much time, so we have to learn what others left to us in books or any other records. These accumulated knowledge is supposed to be the essence of wisdom, so we can just go and get it instead of taking so much time and energy to explore by ourselves.

In that sense, education is inevitable. However, within the wisdom left by previous generations, we need keen eyes to distinguish the real "wisdom" and the disguised "wisdom". The keen eyes are the purpose and essence of education, which brings people to success.