Oct 18, 2008

No choices No comparisions

"I'm happy with my decision." By Joseph Berger. From the article "Choosing Clothes, but Not Husbands."
I take this sentence to be my quote is because that this sentence gives me a strong feeling of suspicion. In my point of view, when people dont have choices, they are unable to compare advantages and disadvantages. So that people think they have the best. However, if Afghan women have choices at the time their parents or grandparents are going to make decision for them. Will they delightly accept the decision? Or ten years from the day they get married, Afghan women find out that they are not really happy. Are they going to blame the parents or grandparents?
Therefore, I think the reason for Ms. Khwajzadah to say that is because she is successful and satisfied in her life. If she was not successful, would she still be happy with her decision? I doubt it.


Leslie said...

Satisfied with the reality and never challenge?

Why Afghan women can be happy with their parents' choices is that they are ready to accept whatever the choice will be. If that is the only choice, as you said, no comparison whether it is better or worse, there is even no need to think about it more. Don't you think it's easier for them to be satisfied?

People say education makes people know more, and think more, and the result is less satisfied with reality.

Is that one of the negative influence of education?

edyu said...

that's absolutely right, Prof.
the more you know, the more you desire. That's what we have discussed about women as the second class people in the society during the class time. women were satisfied with that, but as long as they receive more knowledge, females want the equality. Yet, does the equality actually exist? I don't believe so.