Oct 12, 2008

Are you happy for real? (Soo Jin Park)

"I'm happy with my decision."
From ‘Choosing Clothes, but Not Husbands’ by Joseph Berger

When I read the article, I felt so bad for Afghanistan women. Afghanistan people have to change their fixed idea. Clearly, Afghanistan women have rights to be respected as each person. However, this quote means that Afghan women did not recognize the huge problems with their rights. They were too passive in everything. I think they should take the initiative in this matter. (Soo Jin Park)


Leslie said...

(svetlana)I don’t think Afghanistan women are too passive to change things in their life. I’m sure most of them have no complains about their social role. It’s their culture to be a house keeper, grow children and be chosen by a man! That what their grandmothers did and what their doters will do. They do not know other life; they have nothing to compare it with. It would be much harder for them to have an eastern life style

Leslie said...

It's not they don't want, but they cannot (Leslie)

I like the expression you used in the last sentence, "you should make the initiative in this matter."

You are absolutely right that they should take action, though I don't quite agree with both you and Svetlana that they are too passive, or they don't have complaint about it.

Even to some women who have recognized the problems in human rights, it is just to hard to take action to oppose the deeply-rooted tradition. As you see, that girl who chose her husband by herself was refused to talk by her mother for 10 years. It was really unbearable to most women.

Of course, it is also very possible that some women, especially those uneducated or isolated from any contact with the world, never realize the problems at all. For them, as Svetlana said, "they have nothing to compare with," so they don't have complaints. These women were even pitiful, though they themselves might not think so.

Some people need to bring "light" to them, though it might not be welcome to them.