Oct 4, 2008

Why so serious? Svetlana

I think sometimes people take too serious anti-Semitic jokes. Those jokes based on stereotypes of races, religious, gender and etc. We take those jokes offensive if it attaches us, although we laugh if it’s not doesn’t and no matter if it can be offensive for someone else. Those gags are banal stereotypes and people should not take it so serious. I don’t think society will ever get rid of anti-Semitic gags. People just should be careful where they are joking and what they are joking about. We should think first if we want to escape an occurred situation. Choose jokes wisely so you won’t have to apologize for them later.


Leslie said...

Some people think it's just a joke, but in many cases it is more than a joke. (Leslie)

Yes, you are right. Pepople should always be cautious about their jokes, not only because some careless jokes may hurt people's feelings, but also because some jokes always expose your weakness.

A joke with racial discrimination can only make yourself a racist. And you may lose both the person you have offended and other friends who dislike your racist attitude.

For yourself, watch out your jokes.

Leslie said...

"A joke with racial discrimination can only make yourself a racist."
It didn't make me a racist… I have a friend who is Jewish and pretty often we make fun of each other because our religious views (I didn’t mention, I’m a Christian orthodox). None of us take these jokes offensive, because we know that we don’t really mean what we say, we say it just because of funny stereotypes that people make about religions. How do these jokes can make me a racist? I still don’t hold anything against Jewish people. I do have a respect for them for the number of reason.
That’s why I said; you have to know who are you joking with and what the reaction of these people might be. For example we would never say such a jokes front of our parents, because we know they won’t get it.(svetlana)