Oct 12, 2008

JinHyun Baek

"My friends have no friends. They are men. They think they have friends, and if you ask them whether they have friends they will say yes, but they don’t really."

I thought about my relationship again, when I was reading this.
However, I do not want to doubt my friends about they really think that whether I am their friend or not. I just think like that
If I trust my friends and show that to friends, they will respect me and, we can keep good relationship. If they do not think I am not real friend, and they betray me, I would think they are not my friends.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Suspicion kills everything (leslie)

"Men and their Hidden Feelings" is not to throw you into the doubt about your friendship, but to remind men that friends are also for you to share your feelings when you need to. No friend expects you to tell him everything, but just expects to be a help whenever you need him. So it doesn't mean that you don't share everything including your feelings with your friends, you don't have friends or they are not your friends.

Hence, don't doubt about your friendship, and just think you can expect more from a friendship.