Oct 7, 2008

Men Can Also Cry (Liu Yang Xue)

“We are still good friends, some of us, anyway, and I still feel that I will fight for them, but I don’t think I could confide in them. No-not that.”
I quote this sentence because I feel it’s interesting. As a female, it is for sure that I will feel interested in what kind of friendship that the men have. And I think this sentence really described this relationship well.
As the author said in the sentence, if two men are really good friends, they may play together, drink together or even fight together. All what they do will make their friendship stronger and stronger, even though it, the two best friends will never show their real feeling to each other. That seems to be strange to the females. We can always see two girl friends talking to each other. They share their sorrows and happiness together. But we seldom see two guys sit in a café and talk to each other about their though feelings. Even one is willing to talk; it will make the other one uncomfortable. As time goes by, the men always give us a feeling that they are strong and even the world will ruin in the next minute they will hide their frightening alone, never say it out.
If we see a girl crying, we may give mercy on her and sometimes even feel she is pretty when she is crying. However when a man cries, we may find it is really hard to understand. Some people may even blame that how can he cry?
Men also need to show their feelings and it’s time for them to say it out!
In the end, I will show a very famous song which was sung by a famous singer in China—Andy Lau. He used his voice to announce that a man didn’t make any mistakes when he cried.


Leslie said...

You are going even further

Our text asks men to talk out their hidden feelings. You are going even further to ask them to cry.

You are right, actually. It's the sad thing if they can't cry when crying helps them get released from any stress, pain, or sorrow.

The question is the image of a man in people's mind should be changed, before a man can really cry, or speak out his feelings freely. Otherwise, he can only be taken as a gay or a weak guy or a failure.

I like this song very much and I am afraid that you need to translate it for others who don't know Chinese.

Leslie said...

I agree with you. Everyone has the right to cry,not only females.
And the song is pretty good^^Maybe because we can understand what the meaning of it.(Yongfei Gu)

Frank Ye said...

oh!!my god! I love this song. Actually, when I was a little boy I thought man cannot cry easily. When I grew up and underwent much experience, I began to know that man has the right to cry, and man need to release their emotion when they are very sad. So I agree with you.