Oct 19, 2008

We will be the same. (Shuhui Wang)

"When you read or hear about "great issues," "major texts," "the mainstream of Western thought," you are hearing about what men, above all white men”

I agree with the writer.
Facts are facts, when we talk about rulers, great thinkers or great scientists, males come out fist. How could this happen? I think it is because in primitive society, people feed on hunting and farming. All of these needs strength while males usually stronger than females. So the hunting and farming are depending on males which means males are very important for a tribe’s survival. Gradually, the need for males is more while the society becomes more and more rely on males.
During ancient time, the development of the society is depends on the labor so males govern the society.
In today’s modern world, the society is more and more rely on the intelligence than the labor. Therefore females are become more and more important in today’s world. Females are more and more related to the “great issue”. I believe some day, female and male can have the equal situation.


Jing said...

that's true that both of two genders have their own advantages, which should be admited by us. if we feel unfair, we should stand out and take action to do something in terms of improving ourselves about the position in the society.

Frank Ye said...

actually, I think females also have their advantage in ancient time. as we all know men are good at hunting and females, and women are good at textile industry. At that time the unequality between women and men is more serious. But in face,the advantage of females are exist.

Leslie said...

Is it only men and women issue?

If we say, women were ignored because society began to depend more on men's power. Then what about the black people were ignored, or other minorities were ignored.

Therefore, it's more about power than gender. Just like a child's words would be more ignored than the parents', but his words would be noticed when he gathered more power in the family through his mature, education, economic ability, etc.

Therefore, women needs to cultivate their power, and to use their power to win over their rights and equality.