Oct 6, 2008

TRY everything when you're young (jake yoon)

"A lot of people have a lot of great ideas. they have this great idea for new company and new product, but they have been sitting on it for years. i think that it is important for them to go out and try to do at least once in their life."
-Steve Chen.

First of all, who is Steve Chen?

i was watching a new music video , and i was faced to interview with korean who is president of JYP entertainment and Steve Chen. they were talking about what You Tube in korea is going to impact to korean society. so i was wondering about him.

Steve Chen was born in Taiwan, and he is the Chief Technology Officer of the popular video sharing website You Tube.

He is just ten years older than me and he is a billionair. isn't it amazing?

A lot of people have a lot of ideas, because everybody has a different thought. if you don't use your ideas, it becomes trash. the fact is that i am still young and if i use my ideas well, i could be rich or famous. i want to try whatevery i want to do whether i fail or success because i can learn from the fail too.

he tried what he wanted to do, and he became a success man in the world. just small idea, just small incredible thought becomes you to be a million, billionair.

maybe i should think about my ideas and try right now.


strawberry said...

I like your title very much. Try everything when you are young and it is exactly that I want to say to myself. Sometimes we will feel unconfident on ourselves, and we seem to never succeed in making anything. All these make us feel stressed and desperate all the time. Why that happened? It is mostly because that we usually make plans for our future and some of them are even very good ones. However few of us really turn these plans into reality. They may either find the excuse they don’t have time or they don’t have the confidence to do that. Finally, all the idea remains as a dream. For ourselves we just become less and less confident. So why not try everything? The biggest advantage we have is that we are young now, so even what we are going to do may a mistake; we can get experience from it and let it serve our future life. Just do it!

Leslie said...

Try everything, fail everything before you find your stance

Possibilities are always there and if you are young, you can try every one of them before finding the right one. Though success is represented in different ways, and whether you are successful or not depends on how you think. Don't rush for any success, but try everything before you find what you really like.

On a position which you find for yourself and which you like, you can accept thousand times failure and still keep working on it, because you know one day you will definitely succeed.

Leslie said...

By the way, I hope you will also quote and comment on something from our reading materials, since it is one of the requirements for blog posting. You can do extra, but you have to finish the mandatory first.

Leslie said...

i didn't know that there is mandatory. you didn't tell us about that. i'll write about it.