Oct 11, 2008

Feel Doubt, Give Respect

“I actually thought it could work,”she recalled…………with their wishes even if you have extreme doubts.”

When I read this sentence, the fist thought comes to my mind is doubt and sad. It is sad that a woman don’t have the right to choose her husband. We can image what kind of life they must have, probably when they are born, their husband has been decided by their parents, and even it’s hard to have a close male friend. Their whole life has been decided by their parents, how can have personal goal and pursued. Personally speaking, I can’t accept this kind of old tradition. We always talk about the balance between man and woman; woman should have the same right and chance in family and society. But if we consider it as a tradition of a nation, we will find the reason and give respect. Although their parents insist on choosing husband for her daught, it is possibility that it’s not their willing, they are also forced by tradition. Even they may have the same experience when they are young. For the daughter, although they want to choose husband by themselves, if it will break the relationship with her parents and bring negative influence for her family, she will choose to obey the tradition. Tradition must have a long history and special charm which is considered by people, even some tradition has become straggly with the development of society, but people are still willing to follow it and express it to the offspring. Different nations have different tradition. Even we can’t accept and understand it, but what we should do is just respect it and accept the difference.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Tradition kills sometimes (leslie)

Though people and their civilization won't go on if there is no tradition maintained until now. However, sometimes, some old tradition or customs really kills people both their physical lives and their spirits. In many countries with long history, so many traditions restrict people's freedom to be different. Young people who got a chance to know other people's life or world made every effort to stride away from the chains of obsolete traditions. However, they also sacrificed a lot, even some of their lives, for it.

We cannot deny all traditions, but we cannot accept all traditions at all. We have to respect or accept based on our judgment. And when some tradition needs to change, we have to change it instead of obeying it for any reason.