Oct 25, 2008

HyunJu Ji: For whom an education is

Black and other minority peoples have for some time recognized that their racial and ethenic experience was not accounted for in the studies broadly labeled human; and that even the sciences can be racist.
- Claming an Education

Usually, a history is written by a conqueror. And subjugated people do not have rights of choices. Therefore, the social weak people take education based on “theirs”, the conqueror, point of view. Men, broadly, white men were the strong in our society. Moreover, we, women and colored people, have learnt “their”, white men, thoughts. Although, some of the weak people fight with this problem they are just labeled heterodox people. For example, a feminist and a black human rights activist these names are actually named by white men. Social minorities just claim their rights to get along with all but a society makes them different group of people. Unfortunately, sometimes, an education becomes a good means to make people to fit our, I mean "their"-white men, society.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Living in "their" society

Your analysis is really thought-provoking. When women and black people complain about the unfair treatment they received, maybe they haven't realized a reality that it is because they are living in "their" society.

Remember when you were young and visited a relative's home, though the relatives treated you with special care, occasionally you still felt that you were just a visitor and it was their home, not yours. However, the relatives kept thinking that they had provided the specially favorable treatment to you.

White people feel annoyed, why do black people still complain after they have been treated so well? Men think ill of feminists, "what else do you still want after I have done as best as we can?"

Sometimes women and black people are even confused, "why doesn't the improvement of our situation bring us more sense of 'being home'?" The answer is, because we are not home, because we are still living in "their" home.

This is my random imagination after reading your post. I don't know whether I am thinking right. At least, your post is illuminating.