Oct 19, 2008

Just Being Concentrated On Ourselves (Bin Ye)

"When you read or hear about "great issues," "major texts," "the mainstream of Western thought," you are hearing about what men, above all white men”
Personal speaking, we people should concentrate on ourselves and be objective to understand the difference between men and women. Because men and women have their own advantage in daily life. In general, women are more and careful in concentrating on details, especially in the interaction with people. Woman can easily observe the thought from a person's little behavior and expression in her eyes. Thus you can see that most of the nurses are women which is a jub that needs patience and loving heart. Also in some of the fields that seems like the place belongs to man sometimes ruled by woman because of the great skills of interaction with people. And men Men have more power to do some genetic job in terms of driver and architecture worker. Another obvious advantage for the man is from thought, which can be seen from business. However, people also put emphasis on the disadvantage what they need to correct . For example that women have disadvantage in ruling, but woman will put more emphasis on the way of communication, which can get more relieve from employees, which can make them work hard and pay more attentions in order to enhance enthusiasm into a higher level. And man should pay more emphasis on details as a result of they are always carefuless.
I think if women and men can understand the advantage what they have each other, there will be no equality between women and men, and also they will correct their disadvantage.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I back you up and you back me up.

Men and women can be great backups to each other in different fields, since each of them has their own strong points.

So as I said, women can only be strong by being women, and men can be powerful by being men. Don't try to change your role, otherwise you will not be you any more.

Everyone just concentrates on being himself or herself.