Oct 19, 2008

People Like Us: The Quirkyalones, Mayur Raniya.

"We are the puzzle pieces who seldom fit with other puzzle pieces."
This quote is from an article "People Like Us: The Quirkyalones," written by Sasha Cagen. Quirkyalone means people who want to live their life alone. They dont want to be in relationship. I was reading this article and went through this quote i was amazed. I asked myself why these people dont wanna enjoy a normal cycle of life like get married and have kids after marriage to complete the family. In my opinion i think they enjoy being single and just dont want to be in relationship untill they find the right person rather than dating just for the sake of dating. Once they find someone like them for a long term romantic relationship are called quirkytogether. We have many people in 20's , 30's and 50's in our surroundings who just want to be quirkyaslone. They think that they are happy with their life and they can manage everything by themselves. They have some kind of strong feelings inside to be alone. Eventhough they find a match , they verge on obsessive or they resist. They think that there are advantages. No one can take their lives away by breaking up with them and instead of sacrificing their social constellation for the one all-consuming individual, they seek empathy from friends. They have significant others. So, i think because of this kind of thinking they rarely communicate with other people wether they are in a classroom or any office or at home also they just do their work and dont bother in any body's life.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Quirkyalones are lonely

They don't want to be hurt, they don't want to be broken up with someone, they don't want to sacrify their time, freedom, energy, ...

Actually they are some selfish people with perfectionism. When they don't want to sacrify anything for others, they have to be alone. And being alone only brings more loneliness.

They are lonely. But who can say only people living alone feel lonely? Sometimes, living with someone who shares nothing with you makes you even lonelier.