Oct 24, 2008

The Achievement of desire (Avish)

"The night my father tried to help me with an arthmetic exercise"
   This essay is quite long, but very interesting. Before i started reading this essay, i was searching for material to read, so i was justing reading first paragraph of each essay to find any interesting essay. When i started reading this essay, i just go on reading further this essay because it was interesting and i think whatever the writer mention in the essay is hundred percent true. 
    Many time student wants to study, but parents become the period to their study. This is not my topic, so lets move to my topic. When i read this sentence, it remains me about the thing which is true and i experiance when i studied from 9th grade to 12th grade. I was staying at my uncle's home when i was in 9th grade. At that time my uncle's son was in 3rd grade. And everyday after the dinner my uncle was sitting with his son to help him out in his aasignments given by school teacher. And at that time my uncle's son was getting A grade in all exams. It continues till my uncle's son enter in the 6th grade. After that my uncle quite helping his son in doing assignment, because my uncle was not knowing about 6th grade studies and he only studied upto 12th grade, after that his was stoped studying and was engaged in doing job by his father due to financial problem. 
     Due to this my uncle's son start scoring low grade in the exams, which make his parents unhappy. 


Leslie said...

It's good to have parents help your assignment, but it's still you who should know how by yourself

It's good if your parents can help you with your study, but you cannot depend on them for a better performance, since it's still your duty to concentrate enough in every class and understand all the contents covered by teachers in order to do the assignments. I am definitely sure that you can finish all the assignments by yourself if you have concentrated well in every class.

Therefore, sometimes parents' help may make children dependent on them more. Be responsible to yourself. I always take it as my personal motto.

Leslie said...


Well, you are right, but whatever you said is for the kid above the age of 13 or 14, youngsters should understand their responsibility towards studies and should not depend on others.

Till the kid gets 13 year old, he doesn't have any idea about his duty or responsiility of his studies, so sometimes parents has to force and make them study at home and help out his kid in doing homework. Because of kid's unawareness, parents has to take responsibility to make their kid study well.

So at some points, it's also a parents responsibility for their kids education.