Oct 26, 2008

Our Eternal Proudness(Xiaojing Wu)

"I was not proud of my mother and father. I was embarrassed by their lack of education"

This is an idea which I can never agree with. No matter in what kind of situation or at which point, we should always be proud of our parents, even they are lack of education.

They are the people who brought us to the world. They are the people who bring us up. Withour them, we would not have chances to be educated.

When we were a little child, it was our not well educated parents taught us how to walk, how to speak, how to write. They are the first two teachers in our lives.

When I was young, I used to ask my parents academic questions. When I was a teenage, my parents and I discussed academic questions and I will tell them academic knowledge from now on. I am proud of my parents forever.


Quincy Shen said...

I agree with you.
Education is not the only aspect to judge one person is valuable or not. Parents helped you a lot since you were in your mother's womb.
Maybe we have gaps and cannot communicate well. Parents who were lack of education cannot give us academic helps. However, they gave us things to keep us servive, without those consideration and things for us to servive, we are nothing.
Therefore, we should know how to appreciate.

Quincy Shen

Leslie said...

It's a good idea to teach each other

Actually we seldom think about the possibility to teach our parents what we have learned in school. They definitely will appreciate it a lot. They taught us when we were young, so now it's our turn to teach them back.

As Strawberry said, she taught her mother how to use computer. Though it was irritating sometimes that they still didn't get it after teaching them thousands of times (I know she is exaggerating), the parents must feel really pleased to be the students of their children.

Just as they will feel proud of us because of our excellent performance in school, we will be proud of our parents more as good students.

Xiaojing, you are great to have already started it. Thank you to share it with us.