Oct 26, 2008

Parents are the best teacher.(Sungjoon Hong)

"One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters."-George Herbert

Parents should be the effective role models to their children. This is largely because parents can show commendable examples to their children to follow in daily environment while having meals, having conversation, exercising and cleaning up. Therefore, parents can have significant influences on their children who learn by imitating and observing every word spoken and action by their parents.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Then I want to be a parent, but never a headmaster

You are right to say that parents are our best teachers, and most effective role models.

When we were young, we learned everything from parents. If they never did something, we would never know anything about it.

That's why we say if the children won't behave well, their parents will be blamed. If a child did something shameful, parents feel more ashamed and guilty.

Even after we grow up, every nurtured personality is still built up on the basis molded by parents.

We have to behave well if we want to keep a good reputation for our parents.