Oct 14, 2008

what do you think girls (Jake yoon)

In the class we were talking about why remale had to deserve worse than male.
It is quiet hard to say we, male treated female badly.

"it is our shared commitment toward a world in which the inborn potentialities of so many women's mind will no longer be wasted, raveled -away, paralyzed, or denied."
by Adrienne rich

I think it was a natural thing that female had to be deserved like second class? but definitely not now. the thing is that ages ago, males used to go out for hunting and females did houseworks. so the first important thing in life was hunting. so male was treated like first class.

however, now the situation is totally different than before. men have not to treat women like second class people. they can work, they are strong, they can be a president like the same things that men can do. they even better than men.

so my point is that this kind of situation that men treat women like second class, is processing of changing. because of the impact that we have been through from before.


Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

I think at some points you are right, but even today the situation is same as before. I agree that today a woman can do every thing that a man can do and woman are doing those things. but woman are given second class automatically by the nature itself. Man are not treating woman as second class, but woman are being treated secondarily by themselves. This thing happens just because all woman got such kind of nature in their own.

Leslie said...

"I think it was a natural thing that female had to be deserved like second class?" (Jake)

"Man are not treating woman as second class, but woman are being treated secondarily by themselves." (Avish)

I don't know what girls will think about these quotes.

Sentences with problems:
1. "now the situation is totally different than before."
2. men have not to treat women like second class people.
3. they can be a president like the same things that men can do. they even better than men.
4. this kind of situation that men treat women like second class, is processing of changing.

Let's see how you will correct them.