Oct 12, 2008

what Benjamin disraeli said... - (YEAJEONG LEE)

"Time is the great physician".

This sentence from "Benjamin disraeli".

I think a lot of people have trials and grief, so because of these trials and grief, people are able to get some pain, and some of people cannot do anything from pain. When man broke up with his lover, he feel very sad, but in few months and years, he will forget and he will not get a lot of pain from that love. That's why i believe this sentence and this is a good medicine for me. Even if i was disappointed in my test score, i will forget this test in few months and years. For saddness or bad thing......"Time is the great physician"..!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Happiness or Sadness is only a momentary feeling

People say happiness is a very momentary feeling, though we might have toiled for years for that moment. Similary, sadness is also a momentary feeling, no matter how sorrowful you are in that moment.

Therefore, it's good not to immerse yourself in that feeling too much, because you know it will go anyway.

As a saying goes, it's no use to cry over the spilt milk. For anything there is no way to revert, it's always better to forget it and start anew than lingering over it for even one more second.

Let bygone be bygone.