Oct 26, 2008

Ambition set me apart!

“Ambition set me apart!” It is a sentence quoted from “The Achievement of Desire”
As the writer said that “A primary reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldn’t forget that schooling was changing me and separating me from the life I enjoyed before becoming a student, the high education sometimes separate us from a lot of things. It is a simple realization that ambitions set people apart.
In the article, the author would feel “oddly annoyed when I was unable to get parental help with a homework assignment”. As he became more and more educated, the distance between his parents became longer and longer.
In the real life, people will always feel this way. When I was an elementary school student, my parents could teach me to solve the math problems. However when I became a high school student, their abilities became limited.They could not even solve a math problem which is really easy for me. I also remember once I blamed my mum because she didn’t know how to use the computer even though I had taught her thousands of times.
Though we should admit that in nowadays society the education has become extremely important, the goal for getting a higher education really sets people apart. It is common that these days the high educated people will really look down upon the people who are not well educated. Even among the people who have the same education, the separation is clear. These people will separate themselves from each other. They take each other like competitors, and they are afraid the others will do a better job than themselves. Everyone becomes selfish. People don’t want to share any more.
I hope that we can look back to our young age at the same time when we study further. We really lost a lot of happiness. Education set us apart and we become colder than before. Don’t let the ambition set us apart.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Ambition really sets us apart

It's hard to admit it, but this thought comes to us now and then. when we are no longer satisfied with our present status in study, job, living conditions, etc., and become ambitious for a better level, we set us apart from others and strive for it wholeheartedly. When our efforts are rewarded with certain success, we realize those with whom we used to enjoy so much happy hours have been ignored or put aside for quite a while and an invisible distance has appeared.
Until then we feel that it sets our hearts apart.

There is nothing wrong to live with ambition, but when our heart feels so cold and deserted, what can warm it up and beat in a more hilarious rhythm.