Oct 18, 2008

Who Can Solve my question (Liu Yang Xue)

“I have said that the contract on the student’s part involves that you demand to be taken seriously so that you can also go on taking yourself seriously.”
This sentence appeared in the last paragraph in the “Claim Education”. This sentence was a little complicated. I can understand it from the structure but I still don’t know what the writer really want to say. It also makes me confused in the whole paragraph. Hope you guys can help me solve it!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

If you don't demand for respect, who will give it to you, even you yourself won't

The weaker won't demand anything, and then they will never be given anything.

So we should ask all these women students to feel strong enough to demand to be taken seriously. Only when people begin to take whatever omen say and do seriously, women will really take themselves seriously. That is the real change.