Oct 10, 2008


I am really touched when i am reading the tenth paragraph in Men and Their Fidden Feelings, "We thought our friendships would last forever....... No, not that." It clearly interprets the way I treat all of my friends. In my deep mind, friends don't need to confide in each others unless they want to. But when any one of them is in a trouble, I will try my best to be there to help him as quick as I can without saying a word. Even though there is one in my group trying to do something wrong, I will suggest him not to. If he refuses to take my word, I would do it with him. This is my definition of friend; Hence, when I read the paragraph, which is approximate my definition, I totally agree with. Meanwhile, I yell it loud in my heart "Let's the man."

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Does Brotherhood Come Before Justice? (leslie)

I really like this post about brotherhood. I saw so many episodes in both movies and dramas about this kind of brotherhood. I was even shocked at your words, "Even though there is one in my group trying to do something wrong, I will suggest him not to. If he refuses to take my word, I would do it with him."

It is something I cannot quite understand, and I wonder whether brotherhood comes before justice. To me, it's hard to accept, because I am a person who put justice and fairness ahead of everything, even friendship. Because I know if I lose the sense of justice, I will lose myself. What else can be more important than that?