Mar 14, 2010

women's rights(Lingli Huang)

The reforms of women's rights was begin from Eurpoe, and then diffused to the other countries. Nowadays, it looks like women's rights and men's are equal. Is taht what we see is ture?What is the factors taht influence the process of reforms of women's rights?wheather the power of local traditional rule or view is still stronge, and then the different of cultures make the process of reforms of women's right become different. Such as in some Asian countries, many men still want women stay at home do not go to work, because taht is their traditional view. Wheather the economy situation is one the elements which make the situation in different countries' women's rights reforms be different. Such as in developed countries, every children can go to school to get better education, but in some poor countries, many family will choose send boys to school not girls. Wheather the different politic and hostory background make the situation of women's rights be different. Since the reforms of women's rights was begin from Eurpoe, during the process of its transmission, did it be changed by the local, native power?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I didn't quite understand your topic, since the expressions are quite unclear.

Are you going to research on whether women's rights are decided or influenced by the local conditions of each country, with the focus on European countries?

I didn't see a detailed outline, so it's not very clear what local conditions of a country you mean? My understanding from your words is economic conditions, politic conditions, and what else?

You need to give more information to get better comments.
