Mar 14, 2010

"On My Road" (WooHyun Kim)


This article tells a story about his experience which is related with his travel in Boston to Texas. Because, suddenly one of his friend who usually break into houses for thrills, was forced to move to Austin Tex by police, so he decided to visit Texas for meeting to his friend.
During his on way to Texas, he reminded tons of races and strange things which were not accorded with his expectation toward to America. First of all, he thought buses were the way poor people traveled long distance, people who coudln't afford planes, trains or cars. As he went more the farther south, more african american were getting gathered in the bus. From this situation, he reminded his childhood memory which was related with discrimination toward to African American. Another his experience that made him felt like America liked a foreign place happened when he met a scared teenage soldier. Because of teeange soldier, he could remind that Americans still didn't know anything real about historical evidence. For example, they knew quarter of a million protesters marched on Washington in 1965, but they didn't know what happened in Vietnam at the same period. From this fact, I thought that he felt imperialism of American.

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