Mar 21, 2010

Annotated Bibliography (Yilei Zhou)

Title: women's right and political in different country

How to use: 1-7 (I am going to use 1-7 and prove political in u.s)

4 websites prove political in China

1:Delap, Lucy. "Women of the Right Spirit: Paid Organisers of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), 1904-18." Journal of Contemporary History 44.1 (2009): 151-153. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010
Women of the Right Spirit: Paid Organizers of the Women's Social and Political Union. It called (WSPU), this article told us about women's social and political in this world and also told from world war1 to now.

2:Kerr, Joanna, and Caroline Sweetman. "Women Reinventing Globalisation: 'globalise this--women's rights now' AWID Forum 2002.(Association for Women's Rights in Development)(Brief article)." Sister Namibia 18.5-6 (2006): 43. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010
This is a movement about women's right. (AWID) is doing about women's right and women’s status and their daily lives. These include maternal mortality and the millennium development goals. Fundamentalism and its threat to women's human right.

3:Munro, Neil. "Alito and the politics of Casey.(Samuel A. Alito Jr. on abortion case)." National Journal 37.45 (2005): 3435. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010.
This article is talking about the real story about women's right. The huge impact of the supremen court's own landmark ruling on casey, in 1992. The right to require women to notify their husband of a scheduled abortion political significance.

4:Davies, Sharyn Graham. "Women in politics in Indonesia in the decade post-Beijing.(Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995)(Author abstract)." International Social Science Journal 184 (2005): 231-242. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010
When 189 member states of the United Nations unanimously agreed to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995, they committed themselves to ensuring women's equal access to, and full participation in, power structures and decision-making

5:Gottlieb, Julie V. "Right-wing women in women's history: a global perspective." Journal of Women's History 16.3 (2004): 106+. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010
Summer and autumn 2003 represented something of the end of an era in the history of inter-war fascism, and especially in that of the history of women's encounters with fascist leaders. In addition to personal reflections upon the work that is already available, they remind us of the work yet to be done and why it remains an important historical project.

6:McCammon, Holly J. "Stirring Up Suffrage Sentiment: The Formation of the State Woman Suffrage Organizations, 1866-1914. (*)." Social Forces 80.2 (2001): 449+. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010
Some point and good examples from research paper. In nearly every state around the turn of the twentieth century, suffragists mobilized in grassroots suffrage organizations to secure the vote for women

7:Ritter, Gretchen. "Gender and Citizenship after the Nineteenth Amendment." Polity 32.3 (2000): 345. Academic OneFile. Web. 21 Mar. 2010
reserach paper about gender, but some of imformation I need use.during the 1920s in three areas: electoral politics, jury service, and married women's rights. In the nineteenth century, women were regarded as politically different from men and the main marker of that difference was the absence of the vote. Once women won the right to vote, the distinction between men's and women's citizenship necessarily changed. Women moved toward a political identity as liberal individual citizens. Yet this change was partial and uneven, as their citizenship remained somewhat grounded in their status in the domestic realm. Further, counterbalancing the tendency towards political inclusion was the movement to reorder the hierarchy of social groups within the imagined political community of the nation. In the 1920s, women took their place within a reordered hierarchy of civic standing

8:Guan zhi xiong.(3/05/2010).Political diffenece between male and female.
Retrieved 3/21/2010, from China news website:

9:Xing jianhua.(5/15/2007) women's political in China. Retrieved 3/21/2010,from Fujian university of
technology website:

10:Female and China's politial. In Baidu. Retrieved 3/21/2010, from

11:“Female's political" in Hillary's eyes.4/04/2007. Retrieved 3/21/2010. from new's website

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