Mar 21, 2010

outline of women's suffrage (YU CHEN)


I.             Thesis: considering the history of women’s suffrage, women’s suffrage should be treated more equally as man’s suffrage by the political elites and the public mainly in America.

II.          Body:

A: the history of women’s suffrage.

1.      From the first woman legally allowed to vote until the equal legal rights which was written into American constitution, it has been a very long time.

2.      Every different state in America gradually allowed women’s suffrage in different levels or various times.

3.      The women’s suffrage developed in an unbalanced way.

       B: the effort which people made for women’s suffrage.

1.      Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton gave a big contribution to the women’s suffrage in America.

2.      The National Women’s Party also be concentrated on the women’s suffrage

       C: status of women’s suffrage in modern society.

1.      The women’s suffrage in 21st century America.

2.      Compared with other countries, what the differences is about the women’s suffrage.

       D: derivative of women’s suffrage.

1.      We can look deep into the women’s status in American political world.

2.      Until now, women still can’t have the almost equal number as men of the congress or senate.

       F: analyze the reason about why women can’t have some equal rights as man in political world.

1.      The old social pattern shows us a world which is full of patriarchy.

2.      Some scientific experiment shows that women are more likely to be influenced by personal emotions.

III.       Conclusion: American women have achieved their suffrage goals already, however, there are still lots of reserved women rights in both political part and social part which are waited to be achieved.

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