Mar 22, 2010

Outline (Jee Yun Choi)

Topic : The Politics of Women's Rights
1. Background
Throughout human history, a disproportionate degree of political power around the world has been held by men.

2. Women's Participation in Electoral Politics
Rates of women's voting turnout, however, did not equal those of men until 1980's presidential election and 1986's midterm elections (Conway 2000, 37).

3. Method (reason)
Their results reveal a gender bias in the intuitive heuristics voters use when evaluating political candidates and deciding who to vote for.

4. Women and Political Participation

5. various women leader in the politics.
Hilary Clinton - Presidential candidate as an women
Women's right are human's right speech.
but there are still less people ( only 3 governors of state in the U.S.)

6. Conclusion
The social system still discriminateagainet the women.
It is easy to forget remembering the effort fot women's right.
We have to remember women's sufferage and we have to encourage the women' right in
the society.

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