Mar 14, 2010

women rights (Chao Zhou)

1.For years women have tried to overcome the sexist barriers of society. The industrialization of the United States opened a window of opportunity for women. The increased availability of jobs required fulfillment. Men could no longer fill all of the jobs available. Women became the answers. Females worked hard to make a living for themselves. Yet, the burdens that they encountered were gruesome. Women were not viewed as equal counterparts to men. They fought for equal rights and a chance to succeed. What is it that is holding women back from their hard earned equality to men? Women are held down because of concepts like the glass ceiling, sexual harassment, and the second shift, not because of their knowledge.
2.Now days, women rights are developing real fast, some one just said that women can hold half the sky,woman is becoming increasingly strong, the men become more and more weak.If a country is more powerful in women than in men, the country's future without development.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

This topic is still too big and general. Narrow it down.

OR is it what you really want to write about, "What is it that is holding women back from their hard earned equality to men?"

If so, it would be a very interesting topic, which means that the present women who have obtained some rights or equality through hard work cannot hold those rights for some reasons. And this research paper will dig them out.

That will be a cool topic to work on.

Fix your topic to a narrowed one.
