Mar 13, 2010

Uncle Sam (Dun Gong)


Uncle Sam is a symbol of the U.S. He influences many people. Uncle Sam has two figures, some people think he seem very kind and humor person, but the others are think he is a sly and clever man.


1. Uncle Sam origins.
2. The spirits of Uncle Sam.
3. He influences many aspects, such as, dance(street dance locking), shows, news(American goverment).
4. The connection between Uncle Sam and the American flag.


Uncle Sam is one of the representative of the United States, he instead of American culcure since 1812. Uncle Sam is influential.


Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

This essay should be more than just introducing who Uncle Sam is and what the spirits of Uncle Sam, etc.

You should make your personal comments or analysis to the spirits of Uncle Sam. As for what the spirits are, it is not shown in your outline, and you should give them clearly in your outline.

I am not clear what you are going to write about those aspects influenced by Uncle Sam, or the spirits of Uncle Sam. Please give more details.

The picture you have picked is a poster, which has been used a lot for recruiting the soldiers. Do you want to mention that, too?

The supports are not strong enough yet to prove how Uncle Sam is influential. Try to give more details to each part of Body.
