Mar 14, 2010

Women's right: history, situation, advancement, and future direction. (Jee Yun Choi)

Thesis: Even though numerous movement for women's right and women's advancement in society, there still exist discrimination against women. We should remember women's sufferage and effort for the womens' right.

There was a movie about women's right called Iron Jawed Angels. As we saw the movie, there were women's suffrage movement during the 1910's.
I think it is hard for most to remember that women have had the right to vote for less than 100 years. However, there still exist numerous issues about discrimination against women.

1. The social situation about women discrimination in the world.
- Women discrimination at work.
- Women's rights are an issue in countries where religion is law, such as many Muslim countries.
2. History of movements about disctiminate against women in the world.

- Votes for women: One hundred years toward suffarage.
- Women's rights movement in the U.S. This timeline covers the years of 1848 to 1920.
- Feminist protest, Miss America and "bra burning"

3. various women leader in the world.
Politicial part
Hilary Clinton - Presidential candidate as an women
Women's right are human's right speech.
but there are still less people ( only 3 governors of state in the U.S.)

Economic part
Myung Hee Lee - currently the chair man of the Shinsegae group, the largest retail group in Korea.
but most chair men of the company are the male.

4. Conclusion
The social system still discriminateagainet the women.
It is easy to forget remembering the effort fot women's right.
We have to remember women's sufferage and we have to encourage the women' right in the society.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

A quite complete outline. Only sometimes it is confusing whether it is about world women's right or US women's right?

For some aspects you just provide American examples, but for others, you provide world examples. It's somehow mixed up.

Try to sort them out.
