Mar 14, 2010

women's rights (YU CHEN)

       Women’s rights – women’s suffrage

People saying, everything should been born equally. However, things are not like this in the real world. Sexual discrimination do exist in the some gray areas in the world.

My first research paper is mainly talking about women’s suffrage.

Politics sometimes was recognized the game between men. People will not think much of the suffrage of women. I will write this paper through 4 aspects (the primary concept) as followings, the history of women’s suffrage, the effort which people made for women’s suffrage and the status of women’s suffrage in modern society and the derivative of women’s suffrage.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Will you write about women's suffrage in the world, in every country, or in a specific country?

Since it should be different in different countries, it might be a wide scope to cover. And it seems you are going to cover from history, to present. It might be too general.

Give some more details.
