Mar 14, 2010

Women's Rights- Women Labor Force (Anthimos Michael)

In the the early 1900's women were still consider as inferior to men. During World War I and World War II as most men fought for their countries, more labor force was required. Said that. women found the opportunity to work and prove that they were equal to men. Also the increasing cost per household required both men and women to work to get more income. Major improvements have been made since then, and women are treated equal to men. This came after women demanded their rights, and through feminist groups. The great progression of technology now requires mothers to spend less time home and more time at work. Also the stereotype that women should do most of the work at home is being reduced, as men and women share house work. But after all these, even though it's said that women are equal to men in the benefits from work, there are still inequality between the two genders.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Your topic is women in labor force.
You start with the history, how women began to enter the labor force because of the two world wars. Then continue to the present situation that women still didn't get equality in workplace, such as less pay, no promotion, easy to be laid off because of their maternity leave, etc.

Actually a research on the present inequality of women in workplace is a good topic, and of course, you should also mention Act of Equal Employment, though it is required everywhere, actually it is never the real case.

Write a workable outline.
