Mar 20, 2010

women's rights---Shengming Jin

Title: American women rights: is there is no women rights in American political and do women have enough ability to governance the Unit Sates?

Thesis: the American government should let women have more women rights, especially in political, Really Achieving Male and female co-governance in this country.
i. American is one of the most freedom countries in the world, but still need give women more trust and opportunities in political part.
A. The 300 years of American history is always contorted by the man, man own this county, they are the pillar, women although have lots of rights, but they don’t really power in political of this country.
B. Experts women who stranded a very important position in the history of American political.
C. Experts the present situation of women in the political.
ii. Finding what does bind up the women?
A. Experts the How is the situation of women’s job, the labor Statistics
B. Experts American young women’s development-oriented (what do they want to do in the future?).
C. Experts The traditional concept of women.
D. People’s concept, they like Male and female co-governance in this country or male mange this country or female
iii. Finding the present situation Female Politicians now
A. Experts aim and think of female politicians
B. Experts when they walk on the political (how old are they that start to their political career).
C. The situation Of Some successful female politicians in America, and how they are.
iv. Approach the thesis is right or wrong.
v. If right, how to change this.
A. Form the law of Politian( some law not good for female politicians)
B. Change people’s transitional concept
C. Approach women have enough ability to manage this country as well as men did.
1. Education
2. capacity for action
3. Example of successful female politician in the other countries.
i. Summary
American women have enough ability to share this country’s power with men.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

1. Is that your title? That definitely is too long.

2. The language expressions are full of mistakes, and in some parts it is hardly understandable.

3. What do those "experts" mean in each line?

4. Part i, ii, and iii are comparatively clearer than Part iv, v and vi (which is mistaken as i). Part iv and v seem to be the solutions or suggestions to change the present situation by giving women more rights in politics, since they are already prepared or qualified to be politicians.

Part vi can be both Summary and Conclusion, or just Conclusion.
