Feb 1, 2009

Not be Lonely (Shuhua Lu)

Love in the Time of No Time &Alone Together (Shuhua Lu)

After reading the articles, I think about the modern love.

Through the online dating, people should have married early. However, “Americans are marrying later and so are less likely to meet their spouses in high school or college.” This is the change because of the fast paced and high technology. Also, this is the change because of the different sense of worth.

When we are young, we would like to try everything interesting and do everything we can in order to enjoy our life, waste our time and pursue the fun. We can date online, meet people and do everything we want because we are young. We have time and energy. At the moment we adapt to this kind of life and let it become addiction. Our life changed. After all, things change, so do people. They come into our lives and they go. We will be alone.

As for me, loneness is pizzazz in 20s, an avocation in 30s and a disaster after 40. Maybe I am also the person who will overlook friends, but I believe that the ones I love are always in my heart and I will never be lonely.L


Leslie said...

"Loneliness is pizzazz in 20s, an avocation in 30s and disaster after 40s." (Leslie)

Is that the reason that people tend to get married around 40 before they meet the disaster of loneliness. And try to enjoy it in 20s and 30s.

I like this quote, though don't know where it comes from.

Leslie said...

actually, i wrote it ...^o^