Feb 15, 2009

segregation in U.S.A - Jihoon Kim

Since november, 2008, black people think that they are winning from segregation. From starting history of U.S.A ,through president Lincoln and now, their life are slaves, and they have segregation. So they were fighting from racial discrimination, and they gets a excellent result, but does segregation go out of sight? black people are feeling racism but Asian are feeling racism from all American people, of course black people in American. They need to see in their history for reallise win from racism.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Teach people history (leslie)

Sometimes I was so astonished to notice that present students know so little about history, or have so little interest in history. Actually, history is our best teacher, and it makes us avoid committing same mistakes. Unfortunately, we also find history repeats and human being keep doing the same wrong, esp. wars.

If we know what segregation in US is, and how many people sacrificed themselves to bring an end to it, will people still repeat it in one way or another?