Feb 22, 2009

Family Education by Shuhua Lu

Family Education by Shuhua Lu

The reading material, I Listen to My Parents and I Wonder What They Believe, talks about the family education. Robert Coles, the writer of the article, writes many simple things in detail, which makes the story vivid and gets me to remember my parents.

As Coles mentioned in the article, and I find this to be very true, “you should honor your father and mother most of all; that is why you should find out what they think and then sort of copy them. But sometimes you are not sure if you are on the right track.” I totally agree with this point of view. A child will love his/her parents from their first memory and begin to copy. It is natural and innate. Therefore, I believe the family education is one of the most important reasons, which let us to be who we are.

As for me, I think that we can not choose our parents, but we can choose who we are. The thing that means most to our parents does not be the most in our lives. We can also be the person who we want to be.

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