Feb 2, 2009

Why I Volunteer (XINBEI XIE)

There are five short pieces in this passage. They have different kinds of career, but they all have a common characteristic. They all volunteer

From this article, we can see all of these persons are full of happiness and joy when they help others. They treat the people they volunteer with as their familyship even though they are refugee families.

I think the volunteer is a sacred work. The volunteer must have a love heart. They often have an increasing compassion. They bring with the refugee an enthusiasm and happiness. Volunteer is an essential work for the all society. They can make our society more harmonious and peaceful

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Busy, busy, busy (leslie)

In this busy, busy society, it's not easy to decide to volunteer. It needs special love, different from unconditional love to children, family, or whoever I know or stay close with. It is to love people, whoever they are.

It is absolutely sacrifice. It needs courage.