Feb 17, 2009

Black Man and PublicSpace (Lucy Jiao)

this critical writing argues that people still have a serious problem of discrimination to other colors of humankind. I totally could understand this discrimination issue. Of course this issue is happening in every where too, such as the city I was born--Shanghai.

White people used to call black people Negro, and call yellow Chinks; but now, black people call each other Niggar, or yellow call the other yellow as Chinkky. Maybe, it is how that person think about himself.

Around two weeks ago, one guy from another part of China criticizes that Shanghainess are the worst kind of Chinese. I mean, how and why would you say that?! During the depression, Shanghai was the city supported China the most; but now some troublemakers start smirching the the truth.

It's not how other people think about you, it's all because of you; when you are strong enough, no harsh comments could ever stab you or what so ever.


Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

I did not that the kind of discrimination exists in China, especially Shanghai. It is well known that Shanghai is a one of developed cities in Japan. I storongly agree that no one cannot look down to other people.(Satomi Minegishi)

Leslie said...

yeah baby~~ you are talking my language!
