Feb 12, 2009

be hurt invisibly (by Mengmeng Chen)

Black Men And Public Space

To be honest, when Professor Bai was going through the article-Black man and public space-in the class, there was only one word in my mind to describle this article at that time - exaggerative. I am not saying that the author was not telling the truth about what he experienced. Maybe I just could not accept this kind of discrimination, and I think the main reason why I could not understand the things happened on the author is I never meet this kind of problem. However, even though I myself haven't experienced this kind of discrimination, it could not be denied that it does exist somewhere in the world. I think it is exaggerative because it is definitely unfair for the people who are innocent of the racial discrimination.
The word "exaggerative" has appeared in my mind at the beginning of the story, especially on the third paragraph. The author said "I could cross in front of the car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk of the driver-black, white,male, or female-hammering down the door locks". When the author was a boy, he had already doubted the virtues of intimidation early on. Therefore, he remained a shadow,timid but a survior. It seemed like that the author knew that he was considered a threat by many people for a long time. The helpless tone from the author shows he was hurt invisibly.
Similar things are happening every single day in the world. Racial profiling now is becoming a serious and controverisal issue. People seem to get used to being prejudiced by the first impression. Overall, racial discrimination is not acceptable, and also we can not judge a person only by his appearance.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

A black man could also be discriminatory (leslie)

You are right if you feel uneasy to the situations the author described, because maybe those people's reaction is just for an unexpected suspect of any crime, not because of his color. It was his oversensitivity that brought him misunderstanding.

As for the women pedestrians who felt frightened by him, it might also be his misunderstanding, since the women might be more frightened by a man behind them, or a midnight walker, or just anything coming after them.

Therefore, some people say, actually black people also have so much racial discrimination toward other races.