Feb 16, 2009

Discrimination (YU FU,AMY)

Black Man and Public Space
This article makes me think of the problems of discrimination, such as: racial, gender, and culture. Even though some of the famous leaders have tried to wipe out these kinds of discrimination, such as, Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, the discrimination still exist today. There are many phenomena that could prove this point. Most of the leaders in companies are men that hold positions such as, CEO and manager, although women, if given the chance to succeed, can possibly do it better than men. That’s because the majority of people think men are more talented and wise than women.
When we talk about some crimes, such as, robbery and murder, we always think of black men committing it. However, I’ve found out ever since I’ve been in America that black men were more friendly and kind than other races.
People called on equality at least a century ago, but it hasn’t been realized veritably.We should value and comment everyone equally, rather than judge them by their nationality, race and gender.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

we are living in frontier science world, but racism?? that is totally an old fashioned idea. the racism must be vanished away from the world right now, right here.

JunHyung Park